All wow mounts
All wow mounts

all wow mounts

way Revendreth 40.85 46.67 Dredhollow Apple Mims (Day 6) way Revendreth 51.13 78.80 Comfortable Saddle Blanket Ta'tru (Day 5) way Revendreth 63.32 61.59 Empty Water Bucket (Day 4) way Revendreth 63.20 65.72 Horseshoe (Day 3) way Revendreth 61.28 69.41 Horseshoe (Day 3) way Revendreth 68.14 68.86 Horseshoe (Day 3) way Revendreth 65.18 74.11 Horseshoe (Day 3) way Revendreth 64.22 58.42 Horseshoe (Day 3) way Revendreth 74.52 57.84 Horseshoe (Day 3) way Revendreth 70.33 59.05 Horseshoe (Day 3) way Revendreth 63.39 61.75 Grooming Brush Snickersnee (Day 2)

all wow mounts

way Revendreth 63.13 43.11 Dead Blanchy location Source: Dead Blanchy (requires tending to Dead Blanchy for 6 days to obtain the mount. What evils must she have committed in secret to have earned her place among the condemned souls of Revendreth? Supplies of the Archivists' Codex (Paragon Cache)ĭescription: In life, Blanchy appeared to be an affectionate, well-behaved horse of excellent disposition and appetite. Mysterious Gift from Ve'nari (Paragon Cache)


You can read more about how to use this feature here! If you’re looking to track your collections, Wowhead now has the Battle Pet Collection Tracker and Mount Collection Tracker! To use the tracker, simply import your character to view your collections. Along with the Table of Contents, you can use this table to quickly navigate around this guide and at a glance see from where all mounts are obtained. This guide has a lot of information, and therefore tables are included below that lists all the mounts mentioned in this guide and the categories that they belong to. Remember to check the Wowhead comments for each mount for even more details from the Wowhead community. If you find any information missing or misleading, please feel free to leave a comment. Shadowlands adds 84 new mounts to World of Warcraft, with another 45 being added with Patch 9.1. This guide is a detailed coverage of every mount that has been added to the game with Shadowlands.

All wow mounts